Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Instructed Hosting to Switch DNS!

OK, I figured there is only so much I can check without switching the DNS over. (For example, the logging into the site didn't work but I am pretty sure that was only because the domain of the site was not

So, I told the hosting to switch over the DNS! This means that once they have initiated the switch, we will just have to wait for the DNS to propagate - which could take 1-5 hrs depending on where you are. USA should be closer to 1 hr (because that's where the hosting is). In any case, keep checking the main site and at some point it should just come up.

Since you will probably see the site before I will, please post back here and tell me if something isn't working so that I am ready to fix it. Also, as I imagine there will be quite a stampede of users, this will be a real stress test for the young server ;) If anything doesn't work as expected, please tell me ASAP.

I will post when the hosting confirms that they have initiated the switch.

Thanks for sticking with me throughout this ordeal, and I hope we are almost there!


Anonymous said...

woohoo...!! thanks a lot.. hope that everything will be fine...

Anonymous said...

omg, yay! THANK YOU SO MUCH. And woohoo for USA. :D I'll definitely reply back here if I find anything wrong. Again, thanks so much. =]

Melisa said...

Good Job Max!
Thanks for all your efforts... loyal Overstream users will remain loyal, I'm sure of that. If I can contribute with any relevant information once the site is up, I'll let you know. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

I can't wait! Yeah for TKA!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! haha its gonna be faster for USA? WOOT!! :]]]] THANK YOUU

Anonymous said...

Has the domain of the site changed ?

Overstream said...

Has the domain of the site changed?

No, no, it has not. It's still . "Switching DNS" just means that this domain will point to a different server (the new one).

VickyK. said...

gawd ... so the cite is supose to work now right?

... or will it take another hour b/c i'm in Canada ... ^o)

Overstream said...

OK, I just called them and made sure that they have switched it over just now!

I think Canada should have times pretty similar to USA, maybe a little bit longer. I think in 1-2 hrs we should be definitely seeing the switch happen.

Anonymous said...

ooo thank you!! isn't it like 4am in japan right now?.. haha if you're staying up for us I THANK YOU!!
can't wait for the cite to be up..
1-2 hours! :]]

VickyK. said...

Thanks MAX!! for all ur hard work ... once overstream runs again eveyone especially ISAWK2 aka TKA fans are going to get crazy ... :D (that means me!! ^^)

Overstream said...

Well I am really keeping my fingers crossed that everything is going to work, since as I said I couldn't check everything without the DNS switch.

isn't it like 4am in japan
It's 6:43am now :)

Anonymous said...

woww did you stay up all night??

Anonymous said...

thank you very much for all your efforts.
will I am in France how long that take for us?

Overstream said...

woww did you stay up all night??


I don't really know how long it will take for France, probably within 2 hours also.

And oh yeah, also I think (not quite sure but) - I think if you just keep hitting "refresh" in the same browser window that might keep sending the request to the old server even after the DNS has already propagated to your area. So, when you test, opening a new browser is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

How long would it take for Londoners?

Anonymous said...

i'm in peru... how long will it take here...

Anonymous said...

what about for asian countries... any estimate..?
thanks a bunch...

Overstream said...

Well I have no way of telling exactly how long it would take. Last time it took about 2 hrs to Japan. This not only has to do with geography but more with how the internet is wired. All of Europe should have similar times probably, maybe ~2 hrs? South America might be a bit more. But I think the whole world should be propagated in under 5 hours.

Anonymous said...

it does not work for me.. i'm in the u.s.a. so i'm confused?? HELP!!

Anonymous said...

hey hey... newbie here xD I jus wanna thank you for working so hard to please complete strangers when u dont even have to!

I'm so happy right now *_*, school work is a drag so now i can actually be happy to come on the comp knowing that it aint only to do h/e xD

Thanx again!! =)

Anonymous said...

it's 5:10 PM in the U.S! Im waiting and yet nothing has happened!

Overstream said...

Well they only switched it when I called them, so that was like 25-30 minutes ago. As I said, propagation will normally take 1-2 hours. So please be patient!

Anonymous said...

oh ok max! <3333! preciate it so much

Anonymous said...

arigato duet merci with thank and lots of love! by the way im boston! nice to know you max!

Overstream said...

I lived in Boston for about 10 years ;)

Anonymous said...

uh... it would work for ppl in d caribbean, ne?

either way! Thanx!! ^_^

Anonymous said...

omg! have you ever been to Feneuil Hall before? I would love to treat you dinner Max, for all you did! come to Boston again, my favourite restaurant in Boston is Fire&Ice or DIcks.....I have so much fun living here

Overstream said...

uh... it would work for ppl in d caribbean, ne?

So desu, it should work for everybody, just not sure how long it would take. But really shouldn't be more than 5hrs or so.

Anonymous said...

What is project Damage Control?
That is what I see when I go to

Anonymous said...

Wow you lived in a lot of places now Japan the past Boston such coolness.Do you have to move for work or school ? Sorry if it feels like in prying if you don't want to answer its fine.

Overstream said...

Yeah, Fire&Ice was great, I remember it well :) thanx for the offer, hon :)

Overstream said...

What is project Damage Control?
That is what I see when I go to

Aha! I don't see it yet, but it means the hosting needs to change a little something, I will call them right now. Thanks for reporting!

Anonymous said...

What's great is that we are all here, from different countries, day or night, the whole world just waiting !!

Thank you Overstream, you are so kind !!!

Can't wait for ISWAK 2 !


Mandoo, Paris (11:30 pm)

Anonymous said...

hehe! no funny business though, real offer Max! or we could go to Bisutake(I think i mispelled it) for sushi bar and Japanese steak! Are you working or studying?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for keeping us informed ^_^ It's hard to be patient when addicted to a drama, but since you gave the updates I felt a lot better. I hope it all goes well!

Anonymous said...

oh crap! I probably shouldn't be talking bs rite now when everyone is working hard for overstream! sorry! gomenashai

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! Me and my sister have been waiting to watch ISWAK2 ep11! Can't wait to watch more...

Anonymous said...

What is project damage control? o_O i'm so confused lol

Anonymous said...

Still nothing. =O I hope it works...(Atlanta, GA 5:41 pm. :]}

Overstream said...

Do you have to move for work or school

No reason, I just wanted to move ;)

About the "project damage control" thing some of you are starting to see, check (the next post). I am on the phone to the hosting about this, this is a simple fix. But it means your DNS has propagated! So after this is fixed you should be able to see overstream :)

Anonymous said...

for the record: I still seeing Overstream's under maintainance message! that's it!
boston (5:42)

Anonymous said...

I am in's still not working.....=(

AfiLiU said...

you can add a line to your hosts file to map the domain to the new IP Address.

This will let you test the site with the domain even before the propagation is completed for you.

notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


save restart your browser and go ahead. don't forget to remove it when you're done.

Good luck

Overstream said...

Oh yeah, thanks Tom! I forgot I could do that ;)

Anonymous said...

Does what "tom" wrote apply to you or all of us ? Because I have no idea what he's talking about. haha

Overstream said...

Well, I found Tom's comment very useful, but if you don't know what it's about probably you shouldn't try it, since you can mess up the network settings on your computer ;)