Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Good Performance So Far

So far the server has been responding pretty quickly, but of course we need to wait a couple of days and see what is happening with it. Hopefully, this whole move will be worth it ;)

Alright, I am finally going to go to sleep (8:30 am here ;)). I'll ask my friend to keep an eye on our server just in case.



Anonymous said...

It's working in New York now. Well at least for me anyway.

Thank you so very much !!

Manuel said...

It works in Spain. Congrats and thanks!

Anonymous said...

when I click on a video to play, nothing happens.... anyone else having this problem???

Overstream said...

Huh? Nothing happens at all? You just stay on the same page? Hmmm... I don't think that can be a server problem. Maybe refresh the page and try again?

Anonymous said...

Working in Georgia (US)!!

Melisa said...

Again reporting from Montreal- Canada... Just like with Anonymous, it did happen to me a couple of times with different videos that when clicking "Play" the page kind of froze for a bit on "querying video stream provider", but after a few refresh hits, it worked fine... It's nothing big, but it had never happened before ...the site was always very quick at responding... hmmm, also, a second ago I went back to the site and it was not loading... for two minutes starting at 7:50pm, the page failed to load.... now it's 7:53pm and everything looks fine again...

Go wonder... I guess we'll be dealing with a few glitches while the site adjusts.. in any case thanks Max.. we'll keep you informed.. sleep well..

Anonymous said...

yay its working!!!
:D thanks a lot!!
have a nice sleep!

Anonymous said...

Same here, I would click on a video and then nothing would play. But after refreshing a few times the video started playing.
So far everything seems to be working correctly now.

Overstream said...

Thanks for reporting back, guys!

Same here, I would click on a video and then nothing would play.

Do you mean the same thing as Nikanena, that the page loads fine, but then it just says "Querying Video Stream Provider"? Or something different?

With the video providers, a lot of things depend on what is going on with the video provider itself... it could be slow to respond, or doing its own maintenance etc.

However, its true that we are in for some server optimization :) Basically a lot of the things that the shared hosting techs used to do, now I have to do myself on the dedicated server. Well, I just have to learn how to do it.

Anonymous said...

It works in Italy...thank you so much!! You're awesome!!

Anonymous said...

after a few refresh it works!!!!!


Overstream said...

after a few refresh it works!!!!!

You mean, after it takes a while in the "Querying Video Provider..." stage right? Hmm... well I've seen it happen even on the old server. I can't quite think about this would be worse on the new one, though...