Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Server Being Set Up

The new server is being currently set up for us by MyRackspace, our new hosting. This should be finished this weekend, and we can transition over early next week.

The current server is still suffering from the "crazy clock" problem, causing times on the site to appear very strange, and registration emails getting lost. However, I have opted to not take the previous hosting up on their proposal to move the existing server to another server of theirs because I simply do not trust them anymore. At least with the current server I know exactly what the problem is (even though it's a really bad problem). Also, I wanted to keep the downtime to a minimum, and this way we will only have a single transition.

Over the last month an improbably large number of unfortunate things have happened. I am really hoping that this curse will run out once we move to the new server. The good thing is that I now have an IT friend who is helping me with the server stuff, so I feel safer about all this.

1 comment:

Test said...


Hope the outage isn't too long.