Monday, February 25, 2008

Overstream Down For Maintenance

The hosting techs have noticed that we were bringing the server down again, but this time they gave me a chance to put my own maintenance page up. I linked from it to this blog.

The techs have promised to expedite the process of the dedicated server installation as much as possible. As soon as any ETA (that's Estimated Time to Arrival :)) will be known, I will post it. Originally I was told that "Typical installation times are 24-36 hours, but in your case we can do it significantly faster". Let us hope so.

Oh, and in case you are wondering how come none of my questions about the dedicated hosting were answered for 3 days straight (before today), the explanation is: "I apologize for the delay. Your ticket was mistakenly flagged to the wrong department." It's a curse, I am telling you... :)


Anonymous said...

Ah, I see... well, I checked this morning/midday, and it wasn't down... damn, I was too late, lol, xD Oh well, will wait, ne? Thanks, (o''o)b

Melisa said...

Here I am again, crossing my fingers for Overstream to keep growing without many more glitches. Loyal users will remain loyal no matter how many times it crashes... that's why this forum was so important. Can't wait for it to be back up. Cheers,

Anonymous said...

Oh, shucks. I was so hoping to watch ISWAK 10-11 episode but oh well. D: But how long is humanely? 1 day (hopefully)? 2 days (ha ha, my patience sometimes get to me, but that good)? 3 days (eh)? 4 days (lol around the 4th day my patience's run down)? :3~

Anonymous said...

its ok...i can wait, good luck wid d server nd everything tho, ^^

Anonymous said...

man, im sad that I can't watch my dramas. :(

Test said...

Man - I just about had my streams put up on a actress' website!

Anonymous said...

OMG I need my ISWAK ep 11 fix!!

Thanks a for all you do!!

Anonymous said...

Is everyone waiting for ISWAK:TKA?!?!?!?! =O

Lol, ep 11, ne? ^^' Well, so am I!!! Haha, this is funny, but really hope it gets back up soon, ne?!


Anonymous said...

I've been checking it compulsively all day. I should have just watched as much of ISWAK2 last night as possible. I guess this is better than waiting a week for the episodes to be uploaded at least. Just a day or so.

Anonymous said...

So sad! But definitely i will wait for it to be fix. I really love ISWAK.....

Overstream said...

I know, guys, it's so sad to see overstream down ;( Sammie: it should be definitely not more than about 1-2 days to move to the new server (i am really hoping there are no problems during the move...).

I haven't had any updates from the hosting yet, as soon as anything becomes known I will put the info up here!

I am also going to have to give some hard thought to optimizing the site's performance so that we can continue growing.

Thanks for all your support, and I will keep you updated!

Anonymous said...

awww this sucks i just came home to find it down.....jope it will be back up and running smoothly....

Anonymous said...

I personally am happy with this. Cause once you do move to a better server or something.. (I don't speak tech talk..) Then we won't have these problems right? (I get that right?) Anyways, I've waited a week for TKA. I can wait some more.

Anonymous said...

Im also waiting for ISWAK 2

:( Its going to be such a good ep, and I know they are all there.

Anonymous said...

aww I so wanted to watch ISWAK2 ep.11...I was so excited that it came out but now I can't even watch...oh well hopefully everything will get done quickly

Remy said...

I finished ISWAK 2 Ep 11 this morning thank heavens. I really hope this thing goes well. Happy maintenance!

VickyK. said...

gawd!!! been waiting for soo long && want to watch episode 11 of TKA ... :(

the website worked when i was at school ... but i couldn't watch it during class time ... teacher was right behind me ... >_>"""

guess we all just have wait.

Anonymous said...

about what time will the maintenance end...?

Overstream said...

No news from the hosting so far, they are getting the server installed as fast as possible. I will call them again a bit later to see if I can get more info for you guys.

It definitely will not take more than 1-2 days for the whole thing (and since it started 8 hours ago, it should be closer to 1-1.5 days).

Well, I figured out why the crashes happen on Monday now - that's when the TKA crowd gathers at their screens to watch the new episode, eh?!! Duh :)

Anonymous said...

Hahah, also waiting for TKA ep 11. I left the link to one of the parts this morning on my computer and I was able to watch it but not the rest. >_< I really really hope it comes back tomorrow because I've been watching it continuously since Thursday night.

Anonymous said...

heehehe tka is one of the bestest!!!! but yea i saw part of ep 11 yesterday so waiting for the rest

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. It's true. We love our weekly indulgence of TKA.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your efforts overstream! Glad you can understand that the fans need their TKA fix every Monday :). We can wait patiently until overstream is back up and running, and hopefully from now on there won't be anymore hosting/server problems!

Anonymous said...

hey Overstream, thanks for all your efforts. i'm definitely going to be patient. its not your fault, you didn't know you'd drawn in all of the drama fans ;) thanks for such a great service! (and thanks to all of the translators too!)

Anonymous said...

i need to watch HIM on ISWAK ep 11

Anonymous said...

hu hu hu.......its my last day off and cant still watch my fav. serries.... i hope it will fix soon..good luck and thanks overstreamm.......god speed