Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Account Still Being Transferred!

Eeek! Just got off the phone with the hosting techs, they said the account is STILL being transferred. Now I really don't see what should be taking so long to transfer the account, especially since I explained our situation previously and they agreed that they will try to do it as fast as possible.

In any case, the tech said that they were currently still working on moving the data over and promised that the account will definitely be transfered at most in the next 12 hours (which is really kind of a lot I think!). Well I am hoping their message about the transfer will come earlier than that. Guess it's a good thing I didn't stay up to wait for it to be transfered :)


Anonymous said...

thank you for updating!! ahh they ARE taking a long time to transfer the data.. but no worries. YES, it is a VERY good thing you didn't stay up..
but yeah, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARDWORK!! :DD can't wait till the site is up again hopefully they will be up by tomorrow :D

Anonymous said...

aww, that sucks a lot. D:
oh well, i guess i can still wait.

Anonymous said...

Haha oh well it's night here so by the time I wake up it should be working!! Thank you for putting up w/ us! (^.^)

Anonymous said...

i work for a hosting company... and after reading about this, i think i'm going to start giving customers straight answers from now on...

nah... better to stall and wait for them to go to sleep to buy some more time ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update :)
too bad about the 12-hours though.. hopefully they will be done by tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your hard work. It is much appreciated. =)

Anonymous said...

Aw poo. Well, don't stay up too late! Hopefully this transfer will be done by tomorrow. Gotta have my TKA ep. 11!

Anonymous said...

man I can't wait for it to be over....

Overstream said...

i work for a hosting company...

Huh, maybe we should have used your hosting, anonymous! At least then we would have someone to personally take care of our server :)

Melisa said...

Well, the loyal Overstream users will remain.. you can be sure of that... let's hope that those who sub our favorite dramas will remain loyal too and not be discouraged by the technical glitches. Thanks again for keeping us up to date, it's important for us, end users, to know that there's a real person behind this trying to fix the problems. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

How long will it take YOU to verify whether things are working or not??

btw thanks for the blog !!

Overstream said...

Well I can't really know, can I? Maybe things will just work right away (1hr), or maybe there will be some new problems that I will have to fix ASAP to get things to work. I am hoping for the best, of course, but I have to allow for the unknown here, so I don't want to promise you guys that it will just work (even though normally it should!).

Overstream said...

Just so there is no misunderstanding - the hosting still hasn't finished transferring the account, so I haven't started to look over it. I am standing by though, as ready as ever! ;)

Anonymous said...

why now?! im dying to see ARRON YAN YA LUN in TKA...*cries heavily*... please do your best guys.. thank u so much for making the site better!! but plz make it faster..lol..

Anonymous said...

Well at least Episode Twelve of TKA won't seem too far away now. Hahaha. Keep it up (:

Overstream said...

Better get it out of the way now, it's just gonna get even better later on, lol :)

Anonymous said...

haha i really wanna see TKA (To kiss again)! and it seems like a lot of other people do too...thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the hard work ;]
whats the update about?

Anonymous said...

im back..im the one who posted about ya lun!!!

im checking the site every 15 minutes, which made me very depressed..hahaha..i feel so left out right now.. i feel like everyone has watched arron already except me..*cries heavily*

Unknown said...

Thanks much for your efforts ^^.
Hope the site comes back up sooonish :D.

Anonymous said...

THANKS FOR the UPDATES.... I'm waiting to see ep 11 of TKA like every one else! but we appreciate all the effort u put in to update us!!! THANKSSS!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your efforts and hard work on this site. Greatly appreciate it! =]

Anonymous said...

LOL! so many tka freaks :P (yes me included) isnt it funny overstream person? this thing has like a thousand ppl impacient....its so funny to think about it:P anyways your ovestream is a success so u must be proud:P
sleep well!

Overstream said...

I am not sleeping, I am actually at work (I live in Japan right now). And I am proud, yeah! You can call me Max, btw.

You guys (and girls!) should be proud too - your enthusiasm was enough to crash a server :)

Unknown said...

Haha! Is enthusiasm the right word for it???

Anonymous said...

If you have any sadistic bone in you, now's your change to enjoy since we are pretty much crawling on floor in pain. XD

P.S. greetings to Japan. :3 How's the weather? *coming there to study in 3 months*

Overstream said...

I think my body is made exclusively of empathic bones, so I can really feel your pain :(

Weather: it's the middle of winter now - in Tokyo at least the winter goes basically from January->March. It's just maybe starting to get a little bit warmer... sometimes ;) Should be beautiful in 3 months, not hot yet.

Anonymous said...

i will wait
i will wait
i will wait!

Anonymous said...

O.O 12 hours? X_X dying.. I hope it'll be up when I get back home tomorrow night

Anonymous said...

coucou tout le monde désolée je suis française donc mon anglais est un peu nul mais j'essayerai de traduire ça ! merci beaucoup pour ce long travail overstream je ne peut pas m'en passer :) !!!

hi all ! i'm sorry my english is no good but i hope you understand my english :p and I'm going to try to translate my sentence..^^ i would like to say just thanks for your hardworking because you website is super !!! since i discover overstream i can't forget it !!!

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway to transfer data to s3.amazon?

VodPod is somehow storing their data on Amazon Web Service - I don't even have any idea how it works. It doesn't depend on their hosting.

Wish they had a cache of the videos they collected...

Is there any way to retrieve the .srt files, so I could get them up on Google video?

Overstream said...

anonymous: salut et merci tres bien pour les mots gentils! je trouve ca super, que tu trouve overstream bien util :)

Damn, no word from the hosting yet! I am assuming that again they don't really do this account transfering work at night) and it shall be done by their morning crew which should be arriving in about 2 hours. At which point I will call the again to make sure...

Overstream said...

Is there any way to retrieve the .srt files, so I could get them up on Google video?

Unfortunately, no. The data is not stored as .srt, and the converter is currently only built into the Overstream Editor itself.

I understand you are being anxious, but at this point I really do fully expect the site to be back up within 6-8 hours. Barring any unexpected incidents of course.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

arigato Max! lots lots lots of love to you

Anonymous said...

Damn, so much hardwork - thank you so much, Max! =D You have all my support! ^^

Hope Japan's cool because I'm so going there too, lol! Well, when I'm out of uni...hopefully, >< England has the same weather at the moment, though we're at the end of winter really, but you know English weather: its sucks..><'

Hopefully, next time I drop by, Overstream will be up and running! Dying to watch TKA, so I'll be patient.. thank you again,(o''o)b

P.s. Don't lose your sleep, ne?!

Anonymous said...

merci pour ta réponse overstream.. on te soutiens à 100% :) !! et puis comme on dit la patience récompense alors on patiente :D !!

thanks a lot for your answer overstream.. we encourage yourself a lot!! And how we say (the french dialect) the patience have got reward .. then one wait :D !!

i hope you understand my translation ! :s^^


Anonymous said...

i'm alittle annoyed that i cant watch my shows, but it is a reeally good think that they are trasnferring the site, so i can wait, thanks again, your site always has new episodes of TKA, so thanks

Anonymous said...

thanks for the updates!
I hope everything will be working fine after you have transferred,
Cheers for your overstream! ^^

VickyK. said...

thanks alot!! been waiting to see the subbing for TKA!!! thanks for your hard work!! ^^

it's cool how u know french Max. :P
gave up on french in grade 9 ... not bother to take french after grade 9 ... xD

Overstream said...

I just can't get through to the hosting, been on hold for about an hour. I guess mornings are very busy for them... Makes me wonder if I picked the right hosting - I assumed that if I get the dedicated server at the same hosting as the shared server was on, the transfer would go faster. But this is taking a looong time, damn it!

snowee: yeah, i lived in france for bit, but forgot a lot of it already :)

Unknown said...

It's stupendous to hear so many people thate care about overstream.
Me and my pupils are also anxious to see overstream working again. And probably with a better service.